Electricity costs can make up a large portion of your monthly expenses. With a solar street lamp you are guaranteed even if you don’t produce 100 percent of the energy you consume, solar still reduce your utility bills, meaning you’ll save a lot of money.
Super bright led light
With 200W/300W high-brightness energy lighting and a wide lighting range. you are sure your outdoor will be brightened. It is brighter than other solar outdoor lights with good performance that lasts and is brighter.
Motion sensor
It has a sensor to detect nearby people or objects. Motion sensors are an important component of any security system. With a Motion sensor, you can be assured of safety.
Large capacity battery
when the battery is fully charged the device will work continuously for 50+hrs whether during rainy or cloudy conditions this guarantees you solar light throughout the year. Long-lasting battery life
Energy-saving LED lamp is suitable for courtyards lighting, garden lighting, patios lighting, parking lots lighting, backyard lighting, basketball courts lighting, barn lighting, etc.
Easy to Install
No wiring or professional is needed to do the installation you can do it by yourself.